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Are Your Haircare Products Causing Acne Breakouts?

Are Your Haircare Products Causing Acne Breakouts?

Are Your Haircare Products Causing Acne Breakouts?
acne causes

Are Your Haircare Products Causing Acne Breakouts?

Hair care products that we use to wash and style our hair can cause acne breakouts.

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Busting Myths About Silicones in Cosmetics
busting silicone myths

Busting Myths About Silicones in Cosmetics

There are many misconceptions about the safety of silicones in cosmetic and personal care products. 

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Makeout Proof Your Makeup This Valentine's Day
2021 skincare goals

Makeout Proof Your Makeup This Valentine's Day

Here are our top tips for creating a makeup look that lasts.

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The Top 10 Most Popular Male Cosmetic Procedures
cosmetic enhancement trends

The Top 10 Most Popular Male Cosmetic Procedures

Here are the top 10 cosmetic enhancements men gravitate towards.

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Yes, You Can Wear Makeup to The Gym
2021 workout routine

Yes, You Can Wear Makeup to The Gym

Contrary to popular belief, you can indeed wear makeup while working out. It's the kind of makeup you wear that you need to think about.

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How to Workout Without Breaking Out
acne foundation

How to Workout Without Breaking Out

Are pesky pimples ruining your post-workout glow?

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Simplify Your Skincare Routine and Actually Stick to It
2021 skincare goals

Simplify Your Skincare Routine and Actually Stick to It

Long, elaborate skincare routines have gained popularity in recent years, but sometimes less is more. Especially if you'll stick to it.

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Skincare Goals For 2021 That Will Make a Visible Difference
self care

Skincare Goals For 2021 That Will Make a Visible Difference

Skincare is self-care. Our skin is a reflection of our health and well-being. To reign in the new year, consider these skincare goals to make a visible difference in the look and feel of your skin.

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Zoom Dysmorphia | How Conference Calls Have Affected Our Self-Image
2020 plastic surgery trends

Zoom Dysmorphia | How Conference Calls Have Affected Our Self-Image

Fixating on our faces during Zoom calls is impacting our self-image. Especially for those who have a propensity towards Body Dysmorphia.

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Is Your Moisture Barrier Compromised?

Is Your Moisture Barrier Compromised?

Until a few decades ago, we didn't know how important the moisture barrier was, but now we have the knowledge we need to keep it healthy and strong.

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